Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas in Sutton

Last weekend we celebrated Christmas number one of three.  Jentry and I drove to Sutton Friday and had a special Christmas just for Jentry at Nathan's house.  Since Jentry is going to be with her dad on Christmas this year, John and Jan wanted to give Jentry some presents early.

John walked in wearing a Santa shirt and Jan was wearing a Santa hat that Jentry quickly snatched for herself.  Just to clarify and to heal some pride, the Santa tee-shirt was NOT John's idea, but he was a good sport about the whole thing.  I, of course, could not let the moment pass without creating some evidence!

Jan, being a bit of a Christmas crazy, even brought her own tree for Jentry to decorate!  Jentry had so much fun putting it all together.  By the way, I am certainly not judging here.  Some just might considered me to be a Christmas crazy too.

Next it was time for Jentry to open her presents.  This is my favorite part!

Jentry got new cooking utensils, pans and oven mitts for her kitchen.

Is it bad that I was a bit jealous of her new soup pot?

Jan formed an egg and two strips of bacon out of silly puddy.  What an artist!

Jentry also got a HUGE stocking full of goodies.  I didn't think she was ever going to stop pulling things out!

New make-up that she just had to try out right away.  I am not sure which girl was having more fun. 

A pink "treasure box" that was plum full of all kinds of dress-up items.  Jentry was in heaven!

Princess Jentry

After all the gifts were opened and properly played with, Jentry hopped in circles in the HUGE stocking.  Talk about one spoiled little girl!

On Saturday evening we celebrated Christmas with the Johnson girls.  Jan's sister Deb hosted the family at her house in Sutton.  When it was time for Deb's two grand kids, Isaiah and Claire, to take a bath and put on their jammies, Jentry was not going to be left out.  She just made herself right at home.  Rub a dub dub three kids in a tub!

We had a wonderful time celebrating Christmas with Jan's family.  They all made us feel so very welcome. 

Today I will be traveling back to Sutton for Christmas number two of three.  Jan was kind enough to let me pick the menu for Christmas Eve dinner.  My father would be very proud that I chose braised BEEF tortellini.  I can not wait!  

Merry CHRISTmas to all!

"The spirit of Christmas needs to superseded by the Spirit of Christ. The spirit of Christmas is annual; the Spirit of Christ is eternal. The spirit of Christmas is sentimental; the Spirit of Christ is supernatural. The spirit of Christmas is a human product; the Spirit of Christ is a divine person. That makes all the difference in the world."

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baking with Mommy

Last week Jentry helped me make four different kinds of Christmas cookies.  Actually, Jentry helped me make the first of four different kinds of Christmas cookies.  She started the baking process with much excitement and was a very good helper for about ten minutes.  Then she quickly realized, much like her mother, that baking takes a lot of time, work and clean up.

Why is it that I never learn?  Every year I get a little over ambitious and think I need to make eighty different kinds of sweets.  By the third batch, my kitchen is a war zone. The floor is covered in slippery mixture of sugar, flour and cooking spray; my feet hurt because I'm old and forget to wear supportive shoes;  I have completely run out of counter space and my stomach is starting to turn from too many quality checks.  Fa la la la la.....

Jentry loved rolling the cookie dough in the "sugar salt" and she was actually pretty good at it!

Some how we managed to bake all of the cookies without burning a single batch.  This might not seem like a difficult task to most but considering my mother, after 50 some years of baking, still can not accomplish this made me pretty darn proud of myself.  After the baking was complete, we prepared and delivered cookie plates to each of our neighbors. As we walked from house to house, Jentry said, "This is kinda like trick or treating except we are giving cookies this time."  

Seeing Jentry's exciting when handing out the cookies and the smiles on the neighbors' faces was absolutely worth the messy kitchen.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Santa Claus and Orange Monkeys

Noah's Ark Daycare had a very special visitor last Friday!  Jentry was so excited to tell me that she got to meet Santa and that he had given her a candy cane.  She wanted to eat the candy cane right away, so I caved and opened it for her when we got to the car.  I have never seen anyone eat a candy cane as fast as Jentry.  We only have about a five minute drive home and she had it completely licked when pulled into the driveway.  Actually, licked is really not a proper description.  I kept instructing her to lick not chew, however she completely ignored my advice.  Her poor little teeth! 

I asked Jentry what she asked Santa to bring her for Christmas and this time it was a request for a monkey.  Not just any old monkey but an orange monkey!  So far this season, she has asked Santa for a Barbie, lots lip gloss, a broom, an umbrella and an orange monkey.  I wonder if Santa will be able to find such things? 

It looks like Jentry has really warmed up to Santa this year.  Last year she was terrified to sit on his lap by herself, let alone have the courage to make as bold of a request as an orange monkey!

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Muppets Movie

This past weekend I had the wonderful idea to take Jentry and Isaac to the big movie theater.  In my mind, I envisioned this movie date as a memorable childhood experience that Jentry and Isaac would cherish forever.  I would allow them to purchase way too much popcorn and soda, and they would think I was the best mother/aunt that ever existed.  This was going to be wonderful!

I decided to take them to The Muppets movie at the East Park Theater at 4:30 in the afternoon.  This theater is located fairly close to my house so if attitudes started to spiral out of control, I could quickly abort the movie mission and be quickly back at our house.  The timing was best to allow the kiddos time to nap before the show.  Just for the record, Isaac napped; Jentry did not.

I can proudly say that the original Muppets Movie was before my time, but I do have fond memories of the The Muppets on Sesame Street.  Jentry was so excited to pick up Isaac and go to "The Muffins Movie."   Isaac was quick to correct her though.  He laughed and said," It is The Muppets, Jentry."  She then said, "Yeah, The Muffets."  (I could sit and listen to their adorable, hilarious conversations for hours.)

When we got to the movie theater, we purchased a large bucket of popcorn and a drink to share.  The kids were eager for the movie to start but were very well behaved.  They ate most of the popcorn before the movie started. 

By the end of the movie, Jentry was fairly restless and complaining that her tummy hurt. (Too much popcorn? No, couldn't be.  What kind of a mother would allow her child to eat too much popcorn?)  She asked me when the movie was going to be over about twenty times.   Isaac was still captured by the story but was slightly distracted his squirmy cousin sitting next to him.  Somehow we all made it to the credits and headed to the car.  I told them they could choose where we were going to eat supper.  I tried to convince them otherwise, but "Old McDonalds" won.....again.  FYI - The day, when Jentry chooses somewhere other than Mikey Dees to eat, can not come soon enough!

On the way home, just when I thought my movie selection was somewhat of a failure, I heard two little voices in the back seat say, "Mahna doo be-do-do...mahna do-do do..."

Friday, December 9, 2011

Snow Time!

Oh how quickly one forgets how exciting snow can be to a small child.  Jentry is stoked about the first two snow falls we received this week.  Every time we step outside, she requests to play in the snow.  Even though it is already getting dark and cold by the time we get home, she insists we go outside.

All geared up and ready to snow!

Jentry on her snow "mountain."  I wish I had only experienced enough snow to consider this a mountain.

Pink angels are my favorite.

No more pictures, please!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meet David

A very little man in red footie pajamas and stocking cap is currently staying at our home.  He came to us from the North Pole (AKA Grandma Bose).  He lives at the North Pole with Santa the majority of the year, but he has come to live with us this holiday season.  Jentry has named him David but his alias is The Elf on the Shelf.  David is a scout for Santa and he watches Jentry during the day, then flies back to Santa at night.  He reports whether Jentry has been good or bad.  Every morning Jentry jumps out of bed to see if she can be the "first" (as if one of her siblings might beat her..ha!) to spy where David is sitting.

Here he is sitting in our dinning room window.

We can not touch him because he might loose his magic, but we can use him as a messenger and tell him our Christmas wishes.  At first, Jentry was scared to talk to him and I would have to relay messages for her.

"Mom will you tell David to tell Santa that I want a Barbie and A LOT of lip gloss for Christmas?"

Now she is getting more comfortable and will get right, up in his face to tell him her Christmas wishes.  

Jentry and I are having so much fun this Christmas season.  As for this house, we believe in the magic of Christmas!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Card Photo Shoot

I talked Jentry into having a Christmas card photo shoot the other night.  I told her she needed to dress up in a cute red or green outfit and smile really pretty for me.  I tried to make it sound like a really fun game and even bribed her with orange candy.  (Oh the things a mother will do.)

With a little influencing, Jentry chose a beautiful red sweater, denim skirt, cream tights, brown boots and a navy headband.  She looked adorable and was very excited, which made me certain that I would be able to get a good shot. 

First attempt was by the fireplace.  Not enough light and dirty kitchen in the back.

Next we headed to the bright white background from the shower curtain.  She was really getting into posing!

I laughed...she laughed...we had to move and refocus.

In front of the beautiful Christmas tree.....perfect, right?  Not enough light again and scary, cheesy smile.

Starting to get a little bored at this point.

Pretty much tired of smiling and listing to her perfectionist mother now.

Huge door...tiny girl.

Good smile but devil child eyes....yikes!

Not bad but made the mistake of giving her the orange candy too soon.  Looks like she is holding a carrot.

Last half-smile I could coax out of her.

Forget you mom this is not fun at all.  I am eating my candy now, thanks.

After several assessments of the photo shoot pictures, I finally chose a picture I had snapped a month earlier.  Go figure.  I just hope Jentry isn't disappointed when she sees the Christmas cards.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

This Thanksgiving I am most thankful for:

1.  Miss Jentry hard at work in her office. 
She spent several hours playing with all the exciting toys in Grandma and Papa's basement.

2.  Miss Anna...adorably greeting guests at the door.
I am certain I need to find her charming sweater dress in my size.
3.  Mr. Isaac...threatening to throw a dart at me while producing the cutest smile ever!

4.  Granny Mary, my mother, pianos, and little voices singing "Teddy Bears' Picnic".

5.  My mother's ability to use her grandchildren as yard hands! 
The neighbor even stopped to remind her about child labor laws.  No worries though, the kiddos had a blast raking up "tree hay" for the "horses".  The weather was beautiful for a Thanksgiving in Nebraska.

Our family enjoyed a scrumptious meal at the Taylor's new house in Alma and we even got to take a scenic walk along the lake.  
I am simply overwhelmed with the blessings God has given. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Potato Head Party

My precious nephew, Isaac Lee, turned four one week ago.  How is this even possible?  How did the time go so quickly?  How could he be old enough to answer the cell phone, when I called to wish him a happy birthday?  How could he have the knowledge to tell me that his birthday is on November 16th?  How could he be too busy to have time to talk long?  I guess his new coloring markers were more important than listening to his crazy Aunt attempt to sing him happy birthday.

How could he be old enough to request a specific Potato Head theme for his party?

Mrs. P.

Mr. P.

How could my sister be creative enough to make him Potato Head cakes?

How could I have a daughter old enough to sit at the "big kid table" with Mr. Potato Head?

How could there be a third crazy kid already?  Where did the babies go?

How could a four-year-old look so profound and modelesque?

Love, Aunt JJ