Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Baking with Mommy

Last week Jentry helped me make four different kinds of Christmas cookies.  Actually, Jentry helped me make the first of four different kinds of Christmas cookies.  She started the baking process with much excitement and was a very good helper for about ten minutes.  Then she quickly realized, much like her mother, that baking takes a lot of time, work and clean up.

Why is it that I never learn?  Every year I get a little over ambitious and think I need to make eighty different kinds of sweets.  By the third batch, my kitchen is a war zone. The floor is covered in slippery mixture of sugar, flour and cooking spray; my feet hurt because I'm old and forget to wear supportive shoes;  I have completely run out of counter space and my stomach is starting to turn from too many quality checks.  Fa la la la la.....

Jentry loved rolling the cookie dough in the "sugar salt" and she was actually pretty good at it!

Some how we managed to bake all of the cookies without burning a single batch.  This might not seem like a difficult task to most but considering my mother, after 50 some years of baking, still can not accomplish this made me pretty darn proud of myself.  After the baking was complete, we prepared and delivered cookie plates to each of our neighbors. As we walked from house to house, Jentry said, "This is kinda like trick or treating except we are giving cookies this time."  

Seeing Jentry's exciting when handing out the cookies and the smiles on the neighbors' faces was absolutely worth the messy kitchen.

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