Sunday, September 16, 2018

Spoiled Babe

Somehow in the past nine months this sweet boy went from a fragile baby to a little man throwing toys out of the chest like it was his job.

Tucker is finally sleeping well through the night which makes us love him even more. He pulls himself to standing on everything and has no idea how to keep from getting injured. He loves all kinds of fruits and his binki. He can even put his binki back in all by himself. He makes the cutest squinted nose face when he is really excited and his mother can't even. 

Oh Tuck Tuck, you are loved by so many and are certainly the spoiled babe.

Sunday, September 2, 2018


Yet again, I found myself too busy in the month of August and I'm not exactly sure how to resolve this reoccurring issue.

BUT...I refuse to let that keep me from being grateful for all the small moments of wonderful.

OK, not so wonderful but a memory to laugh about as the years go by.