Thursday, April 27, 2017

Celebrating Anna

My sweet niece, Anna Jean, turned 7 on Sunday.  We were looking forward to the trip to Orleans for weeks and it did not disappoint.

Nathan was busy with the planting season and Jentry did not have school on Friday, so I took the kids west on Thursday to enjoy an extra day there.

Mason got to haul some silage with papa. A boy, his papa and a "big truck". Doesn't get much better than that!

The Hamilton's had 50 new chickies to chase and hold.

The big kids surprised us all with a new restaurant called "The Big B". It is a hidden little gem in the basement of grandma's house. You wouldn't be able to find it unless you were told by one of the locals.

They were smart to bring grandma in our their scheme as their mothers would have put a kibosh to the idea of hauling all the food downstairs. Of course grandma said sure, why not? The kiddos had so much fun. The food was wonderful and the service was entertaining. Mason was a little disappointed that chicken and french fries were not on the menu but he survived. The big kids even went to the lengths of washing all the dishes when we were finished. By the time they got to eat themselves they were starving. 

Apparently, it was a one time deal but the memories will no doubt carry on for years to come.

Saturday evening we celebrated Anna Jean. She has grown into such a lovely little lady and it was fun to see her in the spotlight. She selected a menu of hot dogs, baked beans, chips and chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. She is definitely a girl after her Aunt JJ's heart. This is my kind of meal!

Apologies for the tiny blonde photobomer.

Thanks for letting us celebrate your special day. We love you Anna Jean! Wishing you many many more.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Changes Everything

Easter brings a season of new life and joy to share.

Treats for Jentry's class.

Mason's artwork with stickers from Grandma Bose.

Rainy day egg creations: 

A beautiful spring view from the front porch: 

Round of golf with Papa and Onnie: 
"Mama, you have to be quiet when I hit the ball. OK?"

Egg hunt with the Untersehers: 


New life.
New hope.

Monday, April 10, 2017

One of Those Weekends

It was one of those weekends. You know, the kind that you hope to remember always.  

It started with a trip to the big city with these precious babes. Their crazy mother is determined to collect professional pictures of their squishy faces each Spring. I always begin the journey thinking, "I am crazy, Nathan is too busy to go along, is this even worth it?" And each year I am so thankful we made the efforts. I mean just look at this adorableness.

While in town we did a little shopping and even ran into the Easter Bunny. What are the odds?

We made it back in time for a quick ride around the golf course on a beautiful spring evening. These two are crazy about raking sand! 

Sunday we enjoyed a wonderful Palm Sunday program at church. It was truly inspirational. Oh and for once we were all ready in time to take a few snaps while we were still shiny and clean.

Sunday was a top 10 day with temps nearing 80 degrees. We made plans to have supper at the farm with Papa and Onnie. A storm rolled through after supper and created the most stunning views.

Reassuring light after the storm. 

About the time we were ready to leave, the power went out. We waited for a while as our car was stuck on the wrong side of  large overhead shop door. The kids had great fun with flashlights and some serious Jenga competitions by candle light. 

And just for the record...Jentry beat Nathan!