Monday, October 27, 2014

To Everything There Is A Season

Nebraska is known for its extreme weather, which to some makes the state less than an ideal place to reside. On a blistering 110 degree day with the dirt blowing in your face or a negative 20 degree morning with snow as deep as your car door, I would have to agree.  However, sometimes....just sometimes...we get a change of the seasons like this year and it is absolutely remarkable. We have had some top 10 days this month and here are a few of my favorite shots that captured the pure beauty of fall in Nebraska.

Nothing like your very first taste of fresh cut grass.

I don't think Nathan enjoyed my choice of a Fireball before the game as much as I did.

A Sunday afternoon at the Fox Hollow Golf Course was just what my soul needed. I closed my eyes, felt the sun on my face and warm breeze in my hair. I tried to memorize the exact feeling so that when winter finally settles in, I can close my eyes again and take myself back to that fabulous fall day.

"Um, I think you missed a stroke dad."

First swing of a club with Grandpa Mack.

My mom sent me these pictures of her beautiful autumn purple ash trees. I just love the foggy morning capture. Oh the colors!

Last year the seasons went from summer to winter and the foliage was pretty much nonexistent, which makes this year all the more spectacular. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's Fall Y'all

I love this time of year. For some reason I always feel like fall brings a bit of slow down...a chance for me to take a deep breath and soak in life. Which is really a great thing when your life consists of...

An adorable, travel size Husker fan.

Memorial Stadium with your best friend...and eighty thousand or so other people.

A Van Gogh in the making.

 Your baby lovin' on your other baby.

Passing around a precious pigskin.

A very handsome husband.

School pictures...with jackets. Yes, that's right I said with jackets!

Selfies with a blue-eyed stud muffin.

A birthday to celebrate another amazing year of a wonderful man's life.

Milestone moments that melt your heart.

 And two pieces of your very own, personal sunshine.