Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Potato Head Party

My precious nephew, Isaac Lee, turned four one week ago.  How is this even possible?  How did the time go so quickly?  How could he be old enough to answer the cell phone, when I called to wish him a happy birthday?  How could he have the knowledge to tell me that his birthday is on November 16th?  How could he be too busy to have time to talk long?  I guess his new coloring markers were more important than listening to his crazy Aunt attempt to sing him happy birthday.

How could he be old enough to request a specific Potato Head theme for his party?

Mrs. P.

Mr. P.

How could my sister be creative enough to make him Potato Head cakes?

How could I have a daughter old enough to sit at the "big kid table" with Mr. Potato Head?

How could there be a third crazy kid already?  Where did the babies go?

How could a four-year-old look so profound and modelesque?

Love, Aunt JJ

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