Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shrine Circus

Last week we took Jentry and Isaac to the Shrine Circus.  They were so excited!  We saw clowns, ponies, motorcycles, trapeze, aerial artistry, cowboys with looping lassos, a lion, tigers, an elephant and you could even take a picture with a snake.  Both kids sat surprisingly well for the two hour show.  My sister and I were remembering back to last year when we had to bring diaper bags with snacks, sippy-cups, toys and diapers.  We are so grateful that this year the kids are big enough that all of the before mentioned is no longer necessary. Yahoo!

By far, Jentry's favorite thing was Eloise the dancing elephant.  She did not perform until the second half of the show and no matter what was going on in front of Jentry she just kept asking to see the elephants.  After numerous times of asking her to be patient and watch the other acts, I suddenly realized that there might not be an elephant.  Oh no!  My sister reassured me that they indeed saw an elephant when they arrived, which brought me much relief.  Finally it was time for Eloise to perform and boy did she know how to put on a show.  She had a sparkly outfit and her toenails were even painted white, which Jentry thought was so cool. Eloise was an amazing dancer and she absolutely made a two-year-old little girl light up!

Isaac and Chad waiting for the show to begin

Jentry trying not to act nervous in front of the clown

Jentry watching from her dad's lap

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