Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Mason's Story

The day finally arrived and now I can tell the story... his story... of how our little Mason joined our world and changed our hearts forever.

Friday, March 28th, Jentry and I spent the evening watching Nathan play in the alumni basketball tournament. I felt fairly uncomfortable but attributed it to the bleachers. Everyone I saw asked, "When are you due?" I assumed this was because I looked huge and miserable, however Nathan assured me that I looked great. We will never know the truth and it is probably better that way. I really can't complain. I did feel uncomfortable, however I had only gained 30 lbs and didn't have the swelling that some women experience.

When the final game for the night ended, Nathan joined his friends and classmates for a cocktail downtown and I took Jentry home so that we could get a good night's rest. I woke up a few more times than usual but was able to get back to sleep. At 6:00 a.m. I woke up to a contraction. Of course, I wasn't really sure if it was the real deal yet, so I relaxed in bed for awhile counting the length and time between each feeling. Sure enough they kept coming but were just slowing getting closer together and the pain was still manageable.

Nathan had another game at 8:30 and I was debating on whether or not to let him go or tell him to stay home. I decided to send him to the game and asked that he call his dad to make sure he would be at the game in case we needed to leave Jentry with him. I gathered everything we would need into the car and then Jentry and I headed up to the school to watch the game. The contractions kept coming so when the game was over I told Nathan, "Go home and shower and then we had better get to the hospital."

We had planned for Jentry to ride with her Papa Stenger to her dad's wedding in Alma that day so John stayed home with her until he arrived. I told Jentry that the baby was coming and we had to leave. She immediately had a zillion questions and began to realize that life as she had always known it to be was never going to be the same. "How do know the baby is coming? Are you sure? Why do you have to leave? I don't want you to leave. How do the doctors know what to do? How will they get the baby out?" After three more hugs, kisses and goodbyes than usual, Nathan and I were able to get into the car.

The drive to Hastings went faster than I had anticipated. My contractions were about ten minutes apart and stronger but still manageable. We checked in around 11:00 and I was hoping that things were progressing quickly after eleven hours of contractions. Unfortunately, I was only 4 centimeters dilated and 90% effaced. My doctor arrived and decided to break my water at 12:50. After that it was an entirely different ball game. The contractions immediately become ten times stronger and very close together. After only fifteen minutes, I asked for an epidural. The nurse, Kathy, called the anesthesiologist and began to prepare for the procedure but our little man was in too big of a hurry. I told the nurse I felt the need to push and she checked me again. Sure enough, things had progressed very quickly and she said, "I'm so sorry but we are not going to have time for an epidural." This was last thing I wanted to hear! At that point, I thought I might pass out.

Thankfully, everything that followed seem to happen in warp speed. They immediately called the doctor back and two other nurses appeared in the room. Nurse Kathy was trying to get me to breath through the urge to push and I did twice but was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to do it again. Kathy had been delivering babies for 40 years and assured me that if we had to deliver the baby without the doctor she could do that too. Dr. Pankratz arrived just in time to throw on a gown and some gloves.

At 1:46 p.m. on March 29, 2014, Mason Dee McKenzie entered this big, bright world and we immediately fell in love. He weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces was 19 inches long and was absolutely perfect. He had the most handsome dark blonde hair with a bit of auburn just like his dad. His eyes were dark blue and oh so big and bright.

First Bath

On our way to our post delivery room, we got to push the button to play the lullaby throughout the hospital celebrating that a baby had been born.

My parents brought Jentry to meet her brother on Sunday. Mom drove so that she could stay with us for a few days and dad flew in his airplane. I don't think she could have been more excited.

She loves to feel his soft hair.

Jentry got a bag full of gifts from her new brother. She is so spoiled!

The nurses also insisted that Jentry get to push the lullaby button too.

Sunday night the hospital provided us with a very yummy celebratory steak dinner. Nathan was trying to eat and keep the baby happy. I said, "Welcome to parenthood!" 

Monday morning we got to load him up and take him home!

Grandpa John would not admit to anything but sent us this picture. We thought it was fabulous!

The first few days home have been great... minus the lack of sleep. Now that we have everything set up and coordinated for nighttime diaper changes and feedings, we have been getting a bit more sleep at night. Dad is also getting better at sleeping through the noise, which is good because we are getting into the prime season of planting. Mason is a fairly laid-back baby. He is nursing well and sleeping a lot, which means he is growing and that is exactly what we want. We could not be more blessed.  What a precious gift God has given to us.

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