Thursday, September 20, 2012

Is It Weird? Volume III

Is it weird that my four-year-old daughter....

Has to put on deodorant every morning?

Has sausage with syrup for breakfast everyday?

Does not like potatoes?

Has to rinse her mouth exactly four times when she brushes her teeth?

Uses her favorite word, "Booty" every chance she gets?

Doesn't like any of her clothes because she doesn't think they make her look like a mom?

Is obsessed with police men, cops and jail?

Gets mad when I don't wake her up early in the morning?

Loves to perform on stage (i.e. the fireplace hearth)?

Thinks we need more people at the dinner table because there is an extra chair?

Asks if God is the boss of her mom?

Has to give her mom a hug and a kiss every time she leaves her anywhere?  (Mom loves this!)

Thinks we need a garage so that birds will stop pooping on our car?

Only uses her favorite orange plate on "stay home days" (i.e. Saturday and Sunday)?

Sings the same song every time she takes a bath...."Dub dub dub, duba duba dub"?

Continuously puts her feet in Nathan's face and says, "Smell my feet."?

Has a checklist of all the things she will need on the wedding day?  Dress, check; shoes, check; eye shadow, check; lipstick, check; headband, check; flowers, check; ring, check.

Asks if someone her size can come play at her house almost every day?

Thinks that she can't be a princess for Halloween because she doesn't have long hair?

Can not wait until she can ride the bus to school?

Loves to go for a run with her mom in her "running shoes"? 

Wants her mom to sing her a song she has never heard before every night at bedtime?

Looks like she ready for sixth grade in her preschool picture?

OK, so maybe her mother is the only one who thinks she looks much too grown up.

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