Monday, July 23, 2012

Pool Rats

Jentry and I have spent a lot of time at the pool this summer.  Due to the ridiculously hot summer we have been having, we have occupied the water almost every evening for the past month!  I keep reminding Jentry that she is one, lucky, little girl to be able to go to the pool so often.  She is pretty much oblivious to the idea that going to the pool everyday is not the norm. 

I am so amazed at how much her swim skills have improved this summer.  After two days of me holding and catching her in the deeper water, she was tired of needing mom's help.  She wanted to be like the other kids and be able to just go by herself.  I purchased her a life jacket and that was the beginning of the end of needing mom.  I have to admit the life jacket has really forced her to learn to swim much faster than having me to rely upon.  I am very proud of how far she has come along, however it is also a bit crazy to think that I am already one of "those" moms who just sits on the side of pool catching a tan.  How did that happen? 

I regress.  Jentry's latest accomplishment was the diving board.  She was a bit hesitant at first, but once she finally jumped there was no stopping her.  She loved it!  I am so proud of my brave, little fish.

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