Monday, April 9, 2012

He has risen, just as He said

Prior to Easter weekend, I was feeling a little sad that Jentry was going to be with her dad.  However, the positive side of the scenario was that I got to spend some quality time interacting with my other family members who, unfortunately, do not typically get my full attention.  For example, I would not have captured these wonderful moments on camera.

Papa and sweet, sweet Anna opening eggs full of candy.

Isaac and Kelly smiling big with the chick on the bike!

Isaac proudly showing me is sucker.

Anna and Papa going through her Easter basket and spreading pink "grass" everywhere.

I swear that Anna girl is always smiling.  Kelly said she learned a new word all on her own this weekend.  "Choc-o-late!"  At least she has the truly important things in life learned now.

This one is a very rare photo capturing the Easter Bunny himself.  If you have never before seen the Easter Bunny, this may be a bit of a let down. 

Nathan even found an egg with a an N on it!  I promised him that I would not include this picture in the blog as he was threating to delete it from my camera, but I decided to risk my safety and post it anyway because I think it is a good picture of him.  He looks so cute!  I guess you will know who to question first if I show up missing.

Sunday evening, I received a message from Jentry's dad asking if she could come home early.  Apparently his flight schedule had been changed and he needed to leave town earlier than originally planned.  So, fortunately I got to spend Easter evening with my favorite little girl.  When we arrived home, I quickly distracted Jentry in the front yard and ran to the back to hide her Easter basket.  I noticed a real, live bunny in the corner of the yard.  I quickly told Jentry, "Come, look!  The Easter Bunny is in the back yard! She quickly followed me and saw the small brown bunny sitting in the back corner against the fence.  She then asked with slight disappointment in her voice, "That's him?"  I said, "Yes, that is the Easter Bunny.  Go see if he left you a present."   As she quietly crept up to him, he spooked and ran under the fence.  I told her that he probably had to go deliver more Easter baskets.  She kept looking all around the yard until she finally spotted a white basket hiding behind the plants.
"What is that, Mom? Is that for me?"

"It has MY name on it!"

"And Tinkerbell stickers!"

"And an orange egg, my favorite color!"

She immediately wanted to try the Peep.  She took one bite and said, "I don't like it so much."  Luckily there were lots of other sweet choices in her basket.

As we were walking back inside, I could see the little hamster wheel turning in her head.  She stopped, looked up at me and said, "Maybe the Easter Bunny just kinda farts out the baskets of candy and then moves on to other kids' houses."  

Oh, Jentry.  She never fails to make me laugh.  

I could not have asked for a better Easter weekend; the weather was beautiful, my sister and mother did all of the cooking and food was fabulous, I had lots of help packing up my house, both Nathan and my parents hauled a truck load of our things to Sutton, and I got to see my daughter's face light up when she saw the "Easter Bunny." 

Most importantly however, and above all else, I was able to celebrate the death and resurrection of my Savior.   
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."  John 11:25-26

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