Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Shrine Circus

Last week we took Jentry and Isaac to the Shrine Circus.  They were so excited!  We saw clowns, ponies, motorcycles, trapeze, aerial artistry, cowboys with looping lassos, a lion, tigers, an elephant and you could even take a picture with a snake.  Both kids sat surprisingly well for the two hour show.  My sister and I were remembering back to last year when we had to bring diaper bags with snacks, sippy-cups, toys and diapers.  We are so grateful that this year the kids are big enough that all of the before mentioned is no longer necessary. Yahoo!

By far, Jentry's favorite thing was Eloise the dancing elephant.  She did not perform until the second half of the show and no matter what was going on in front of Jentry she just kept asking to see the elephants.  After numerous times of asking her to be patient and watch the other acts, I suddenly realized that there might not be an elephant.  Oh no!  My sister reassured me that they indeed saw an elephant when they arrived, which brought me much relief.  Finally it was time for Eloise to perform and boy did she know how to put on a show.  She had a sparkly outfit and her toenails were even painted white, which Jentry thought was so cool. Eloise was an amazing dancer and she absolutely made a two-year-old little girl light up!

Isaac and Chad waiting for the show to begin

Jentry trying not to act nervous in front of the clown

Jentry watching from her dad's lap

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Erin Go Bragh!

~ Happy St. Patrick's Day ~

St. Patrick was an apostle of Ireland, born at Kilpatrick, near Dumbarton, in Scotland, in the year 387. He died at Saul, Downpatrick, Ireland, 17 March, 461.
Patrick preached the Gospel throughout Ireland, converting many. He and his disciples preached and converted thousands and began building churches all over the country. Kings, their families, and entire kingdoms converted to Christianity when hearing Patrick's message.

Patrick preached and converted all of Ireland for 40 years. He worked many miracles and wrote of his love for God in confessions. After years of living in poverty, traveling and enduring much suffering he died March 17, 461.  He died at Saul, where he had built the first church.

Why a shamrock? Patrick used the shamrock to explain the Trinity, and has been associated with him and the Irish since that time.

Patrick was a humble, pious, gentle man, whose love and total devotion to and trust in God should be a shining example to each of us. He feared nothing, not even death, so complete was his trust in God, and of the importance of his mission.

Deep peace of the running waves to you.
Deep peace of the flowing air to you.
Deep peace of the smiling stars to you.
Deep peace of the quiet earth to you.
Deep peace of the watching shepherds to you.
Deep peace of the Son of Peace to you
An Old Gaelic Prayer

Monday, March 14, 2011

Can You Move The Sunshine?

I was a little worried this morning that Jentry would not be ready to wake up with the time change and all.  Sure enough she was still sound asleep when I opened her door.  I turned on her lamp, because it was darker than usual in her room.  She slowly rolled over with her little arm covering her eyes and asked in a very drowsy, hushed voice, "Can you move the sunshine?"  I had to laugh.  No, fortunately I can not move the sunshine.  I am very thankful that the job lies in the hands of One much more capable than I.  However, I can turn off the lamp and make the teddy bears talk and dance.  This always makes Jentry laugh which in turn makes the mornings much more enjoyable for us both.

I Love You Mom!

Saturday morning was the first time Jentry told me that she loved me without any prompting on my part.  I think she was just happy that she did not have to go to school and could eat breakfast in her pajamas, but whatever the reason I was completely overjoyed.  Simply hearing "I love you Mom" has made all my hard work in caring for this little person the last three years absolutely worth it!  I remember thinking when she was born, "How long will it be until this little baby can hug me back or tell me that she loves me too?"  I am not sure exactly how old she was when she could really hug me back, but Saturday at the age of two years and eight months she is finally big enough to give me a hug AND say "I love you Mom!"  My cup runneth over.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Lucky Girl

I thought we had finally done away with the potty-candy reward, when I introduced stickers. However, that all came crashing down when Jentry came home from daycare with a HUGE bag of Valentine candy.  Now we have to have a treat AND put on a sticker!  What were these parents thinking?  I thought about throwing the candy out, but she was so excited about the treats from her friends and made it very clear that it was Jentry's candy not Mommy's.  I just didn't have the heart.  Plus I knew she would ask me what had happened and did not want to have to lie.  Anyway, the treats are almost gone and then we can hopefully get back to just stickers.

Last night Jentry went to the bathroom then immediately headed out to get her bag of treats.  I had to go the bathroom as well and as I was washing my hands Jentry came in and said "Oh, you had to go potty too?"  She handed me a chocolate kiss and said, "Here you go, there is your treat Mom."  I told her thank you and explained that it was very nice of her to share her candy.  She said, "You are welcome.....You are a very luck girl Mom."  Too funny!  I am a very lucky girl to have such a loving little daughter. Very lucky indeed!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mommy to Mom

At some point in the last week or so I have gone from Mommy to Mom.  I have mixed feelings about this reality.  On one hand, it brings me great joy to watch my baby grow into a “big girl” and rejoice in the evidence that she is learning all that I and the world have been teaching.  However on the other hand, it is a bitter sweet realization that she is growing up much too quickly.  Jentry is now decisively telling me exactly what we will be doing and then ending each statement with a firm “OK?”  It is if she wants to ensure that she is in complete control and that I verbally understand. 

Unfortunately, I do realize that she has learned this from listening to me use the exact same dialogue.  There is simply no denying that but it definitely gives me a different perspective being on the other side of the conversation.  I guess ultimately I am very proud that she is learning to be a strong, confident woman while observing her mother.  I just pray that I am able to continuously provide a respectable role model for her in the years to come.