Thursday, May 17, 2012


Our new yard in Sutton has little to be desired, at this point.  The previous owner let things go, to say the least.  The positive side to this is that I have a new project and can pretty much start from scratch.  I have lots of big plans in my mind, however it is a much different story to actually find the right people in town to make my big plans a realization.  We did find a guy to take out four big trees and lots of little stragglers a few weeks ago and boy did that make a world of difference.  Nathan said he hardly recognized the house.  We also were able to find a guy to grind out the old stumps.  This process was quite interesting to watch and much to my surprise only took a matter of minutes.  The stumps are gone, whoot, but the yard now looks like a mine field.  Now to find someone to level everything back out.  At least we are making some visible progress!

Despite the negatives, there are a few select flowers that are very beautiful and I plan to keep them. However, they may need to be thinned out and/or moved from some pretty random places.  One of these select flowers is the poppy.  There are tons of them and they take over a big chunk of the front yard.  Nathan has tried several chemical methods to kill them off, but they keep coming back each spring.  A few weeks ago they were blooming and looked great for about three days.  If it were not for their nasty, ugly stems and leaves I would consider keeping them.  Jentry loved them and called them her flowers because they were a gorgeous shade of dark orange, which is still her favorite color.

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