Tuesday, January 10, 2012

What I Did Today

Every day, on the way home, I ask Jentry what she did at school that day.  Sometimes I get crazy answers that I am certain are not true.  For example:
"Nothing, we didn't do nothing all day, mom."
"We didn't eat lunch, mom."

Sometimes I get stories that have the potential to be true, but I am still uncertain about what really took place. 
"Gretchen got sick and threw-up in the closet."
"I went to the office but I wasn't bein' naughty, mom."

Sometimes she won't respond at all.  I try to convince her to speak by asking thought provoking questions, but she stubbornly sits in silence.  This is when I resort to the "What I did today" sheet that the teacher sends home with her each day.  Then I can ask her about things I am confident she did during the day.
Did you go to chapel today?
Did you learn about the letter T?
Did you read a book about a chicken?

Yesterday was one of Jentry's silent days.  I asked her what she had done that day and....crickets.  Just as I was settling in for the quiet trip home, I hear a little voice from the back seat say, "Why don't you just read the sheet, mom?"


I am terrified to think about what the teenage years might bring.

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