Thursday, January 5, 2012

Merry New Happy Christmas Year

I am not really sure how to begin recapping our Christmas/New Year celebration, so I am going to get extremely creative and use a ....drum roll please.....time line! 

December 24, 2011 - Jentry went with her dad to celebrate Stenger style and I enjoyed a relaxing, adult Christmas Eve in McKenzie mode.  This was much needed after a day of painting at Nathan's house!  Jan served amazing food, as usual.  I had the opportunity to try fresh oysters, which were Nathan's request.  I have to admit I liked them more than I thought I might. Next, we opened stocking stuffers and gifts for hours...literally.  By the time we sat down for the actual meal it was ten o'clock.  Jan served an amazing Italian dinner, per my request.  Her ability to cook simply amazes me!

December 25, 2011 - Jentry celebrated with her Stenger cousins (all TEN of them) in Columbus and I enjoyed eggs benedict and movies at John and Jan's. The weather was so beautiful that Jan and I decided to talk a walk, or "take for a walk," as Jentry would say.  We got about a mile down the gravel road when we realized a car was coming.  As we scooted toward the edge of the road Jan said, "Hey that is MY car!"  Sure enough, as the car came closer, we could see John and Nathan slowing cruising with the top down and the music up like a couple of thugs.  They thought they were so funny. What dorks!  They offered to give us a ride back, but we declined.  We were determined to finished out the cookie calorie burning hike.

December 26, 2011 - I picked up Jentry early in the morning so that her dad could go to work.  When we arrived home, Jentry was quick to see that Santa had left her presents at mommy's house too!  We spent the day in our jammies and "slippies" playing with our new toys.  We were both very good girls this year and received way too many presents.  Spoiled stinky for sure.  Santa even remembered Jentry's orange monkey.

When Jentry saw "Rusty" she said, "Yeah, that is what I'm talkin' bout!  See, I toed jew, Mom!"  I guess Santa did OK. 

December 27, 2011 - I took a vacation day but decided to take Jentry to daycare and get a few things done around the house.  When I dropped her off, there was only one other child there to eat breakfast with Jentry.  This made me feel slightly guilty, but I quickly got over that as soon as I walked out the door.  Just kidding... no not really kidding, does that make me a horrible mother?  Actually, she had a very fun day doing things that she doesn't normally get to do with her large class.

December 28, 2011 - I took another vacation day and took Jentry to daycare again.  By now she was beginning to catch on.  As we were walking out the door Jentry asked, "When are you going to get dressed mom?" 

December 29, 2011 - Another vacation day of Jentry at daycare and mommy cleaning, organizing, cooking and shopping.  I could get used to that!

December 30, 2011 - Jentry was extremely excited to have a "stay home day".  She picked her favorite breakfast of "hot chocolate and Cheerios with not milk in them." Our breakfast conversation went like this:
Jentry:  Mom, who took care of me when you were little?
Me:  No one, you weren't born yet.
Jentry: I was died?!?!

That afternoon, Jentry noticed that my nativity did not have an angel, so being the sweet, little girl that she is...she allowed me to borrow her angel from her Fisher Price nativity.  I just love that kid!

December 31, 2011 -  Grandma, Papa and the Hamiltons came over for lunch. After lunch, Anna needed a nap so Chad took her home and Mom, Dad and Kelly went shopping.  I offered to stay home and watch Isaac and Jentry.  However, I also had to make two kinds of potatoes for supper and lunch the next day.  After an hour of the kids driving me crazy, I suggested that they go outside to play.  I gave them strict instructions to stay out of the street, put their coats on them and sent them out the door.  A few seconds later, Nathan decided that maybe they needed some adult supervision.  Oh yes, that is probably a good idea, thanks Nathan!  I don't know what I would have done without him.  He even helped me peel potatoes and basically put together the entire second dish and it was finger lickin' fabulous. I think he even surprised himself. 

That afternoon we opened presents at the Hamilton's and the men grilled up some amazing steaks.  Mom and Dad offered, well it was really more like agreed, to watch the kiddos so that the "young" adults could go ring in the new year with a few alcoholic beverages.  Nathan's cousin and his wife Becky joined the four of us at Brewsky's.


I have to say it may have been the best New Year's celebration I have had.  There was no cover, it wasn't too loud or crowded, and we even got some free hats and a bottle of champagne.  2012 here we come!

January 1, 2012 - The Chamberlains drove down and we had lunch and opened presents at the Hamilton's. My cousin, Marissa, suggested that we have an ugly sweater competition and it was absolutely hilarious.  When dad walked in wearing a turtle neck sweater, my sister nearly peed her pants!

The girls had so much fun showing Granny their new baby dolls.  Jentry has decided to name hers Anna Baby.  Love it!  Grandma Bose sewed her a doll size baby blanket that is too cute. 

Isaac enjoyed watching movies on Papa's new Ipad.  Papa even took to it fairly quickly.  Shocking for an old farmer, I know!


That evening I settled in on the couch to flip through my new Pioneer Woman cookbook.  I ended up reading the whole thing cover to cover!  Who does that right?  Well, I'll tell you who, my sister does.  She admitted to buying it for me and then staying up way too late one night reading the entire book.  I think it is fairly obvious that we both feel it is an awesome cookbook.  Thanks sista!

January 2, 2012 - Nathan, Jentry and I went to a Husker party at the Unterseher's beautiful new home.  Nathan impressed himself even more by making ranch oyster crackers for snacking.  He let Jentry do a QC and she definitely approved.  I thought she might eat the entire bag before we even got to the party.  Unfortunately, the Huskers lost, but Jentry and I still had a fun time socializing.  I'm not sure if Nathan would say the same.  He takes the game fairly quite seriously.

That evening Barbie got to take her first dip in her brand new pool from Grandma and Papa.  Did you know that Barbie's pool comes complete with umbrella drinks and a designer dog floating on a raft? Me either.


January 3, 2012 - Back to reality.   Sigh.  Our conversation, Tuesday morning, on the way to daycare and work:
Jentry: Why do I have to go to school?
Me:  So that you can learn things.
Jentry: You could just teach me at home.
Me: Yes, I could, but then how would we pay for things like food and clothing?
Jentry: Well..... we could just be naked and live trees.

Oh, Jentry.  Where does she come up with these ideas?

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