Last Tuesday evening, Jentry acted just fine. She seemed absolutely normal to me. She ate all of her supper so that she could pick out a piece of candy from her newly acquired Halloween stash. Of course, she haggled me until I agreed to two pieces instead of one. After an in depth inspection of each piece and careful consideration, she finally chose two Andes Mints.
The rest of our evening was typical. She took a bath, put on her jammies, brushed her teeth, watched Dora, etc. Jentry did not show any signs of feeling ill until we began reading books. She started complaining about her tummy hurting. I suggested she go to the bathroom, as this usually fixes the "illness." She sat on the toilet but nothing, so we went back to reading books. Then she began holding her tummy again and moaning. I assumed she probably had some cramping from gas and that she would soon feel better. Then she coughed, brought her hand up to her mouth, burped, and spit out a small amount of saliva. This scared her and she said with much concern, "Did I just throw up?" I reassured her that, no, she had not thrown up and handed her a Kleenex. She then thought we needed to go back to the bathroom and wash her hand. Good idea, I guess, then back to the books.
We were only a few minutes back into reading when she started complaining again. This time I decided it would best to just go to the bathroom and get away from my nice, clean sofa! She stood in the bathroom for awhile and I encouraged her to spit in the toilet. She wanted to go back to the couch, and when I said we needed to stay in the bathroom she became very anxious. She said, "Mom can't we just go to the doctor? Just take me to the doctor!" I told her that the doctor's office was closed. She replied, "Well, when am I going to feel better?" Finally, she ran to the toilet and there it all went. She whimpered a bit and asked me to hold her hand.
In that very moment, I had such mixed emotions. 1. I was feeling so bad that my baby was sick. 2. I felt horrible that my baby was scared. 3. I felt so thankful that I could be her comforter. 4. I was ecstatic that she is now big enough to communicate her sickness and make it to the toilet! 5. I was sad again that my baby is getting so big.
When she was finished, her special Barbie mouth wash came in quite handy. She said, "I feel much better now mommy." She wanted to finish reading her books, but when we got back to the couch she said, "I just want to go to bed mom." I tucked her in with a trash can on the floor next to her bed. She suggested I put it right next to her on the bed, but I convinced her that was maybe not the best idea. From 9:15 pm to 1:30 am she woke up and called for me five times but never did get sick again. We both slept in Wednesday morning, ate breakfast and were back to our regular routine by noon. I was so thankful Jentry's ailment was just a onetime event and immediately blamed it on the all of the candy, of course. Jentry is now terrified again of eating too many sweets. So far, my tactic is working just as well as it did when she got sick on Valentines Day. Fabulous!