Monday, January 17, 2011


Typically I am very excited for Fridays and get out of bed with ease, but as I woke up Friday morning I was dreading the morning routine that I had experienced with a two year old the last few mornings.  I was keeping my fingers crossed that the last few mornings were "one time" events and not the beginning of a trend.  When I opened Jentry's door, she was sound asleep.  This is usually not a good sign because this means that she is in need of more sleep.  However, I suddenly remembered that this Friday was Pajama Day!  Oh yes, Pajama Day!  This should cut the morning routine in half!  I used to think it was so silly for daycare to have a Pajama Day because when Jentry was a baby she wore pajamas everyday, but Friday I was so very thankful for Pajama Day!  When she opened her sleepy little eyes she said, "I be a good girl, I not cry, I help Mommy."  Alleluia, my little "speeches" must have gotten through somehow!  Jentry was very excited to get to wear her PJs to school and I was very excited that we were out the door on time with no crying. 

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