Sunday, January 30, 2011

Snowman the Snowman

Jentry and I needed a little break from being inside this weekend so I suggested that we build a snowman.  Jentry was very excited about this idea as we had just been reading a book about how to build a snowman. The snow was just perfect in the back yard and it did not take long to roll up a huge snowball for the base.  The second ball came together just as quickly, but then we ran into a slight problem.  Mom was not strong enough to lift the second snowball on top of the first!  As this was Jentry's very first experience of making a snowman I simply could not fail. 

After several attempts, I gave up and went to the garage searching for a board.  I thought that I could possibly build a ramp to roll the snowball up on top of the first.  To my surprise the silly plan actually worked and Jentry thought I was a hero!  I am sure my neighbors thought I insane, however.

Jentry helped gather the sticks for the arms and I went looking for a hat. At last we found the perfect rocks for the eyes, nose and mouth.  Jentry was very proud of her snowman.  I asked her what she wanted to name the snowman and even suggested Frosty.  She just looked at me like I was crazy and said, "No, his name is Snowman!" 

Jentry insisted that I stand by the snowman for a picture too!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Perfect Picture

So, we had a little trouble getting a good picture of Grandma and Papa Bose with the kiddos this Christmas.  They were just too excited about their new toys to listen and sit still for a few minutes.  The kids however were behaving fairly well.

This one is as good as it gets!

Monday, January 17, 2011


Typically I am very excited for Fridays and get out of bed with ease, but as I woke up Friday morning I was dreading the morning routine that I had experienced with a two year old the last few mornings.  I was keeping my fingers crossed that the last few mornings were "one time" events and not the beginning of a trend.  When I opened Jentry's door, she was sound asleep.  This is usually not a good sign because this means that she is in need of more sleep.  However, I suddenly remembered that this Friday was Pajama Day!  Oh yes, Pajama Day!  This should cut the morning routine in half!  I used to think it was so silly for daycare to have a Pajama Day because when Jentry was a baby she wore pajamas everyday, but Friday I was so very thankful for Pajama Day!  When she opened her sleepy little eyes she said, "I be a good girl, I not cry, I help Mommy."  Alleluia, my little "speeches" must have gotten through somehow!  Jentry was very excited to get to wear her PJs to school and I was very excited that we were out the door on time with no crying. 

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Just One of Those Days

What can I say?  It was simply one of those mornings!  Jentry was certainly acting her age and living up to the infamous “terrible twos.”  She did not want to wake up.  She did not want to get dressed.  She did not want to go to daycare.  She did not want to wear jeans.  She did not want her vitamin.  She did not want to put on her boots, coat, hat, gloves…. Etc.  However, when I suggested that I help her, she very loudly stated “I do it myself!”  Time was running out and we were going to be late and Jentry was going to miss breakfast.  I tried to stay patient as long as possible, but eventually I broke down and began the, oh so typical, “I am going to count to three and you had better start helping Mommy!”  Followed by the, “That’s it, I am going to leave you!”  I know that I should never make threats in which I can not follow through, but I was running out of options.  This really did not help the situation at all.  She just began to cry louder. 

Eventually we were heading down the street in car.  I was hot, in zero degree weather mind you, from wrestling Jentry and she was exhausted at 7:15 AM.  I found myself giving the “things are going to change around here” speech and asking for Jentry's input as to how she was going contribute to bettering our morning routine.  As I glanced back at her sniffling little face and tiny, pink polished fingers tightly gripping her “snugglie”, I realized that she is still my little girl and not completely grown-up, just yet.