Wednesday, July 3, 2019


Mason's first year of tee-ball was entertaining.

It all began with a $3 pair of cleats at Goodwill. Mason spotted the neon yellow shoes and begged for them immediately. They were size 10.5 youth which was exactly the size of his new tennis shoes that we had just purchased. It was fate.

When he proudly showed them off to his dad, Nathan asked if I had signed him up to play ball. I hadn't even considered summer ball for Mason. I asked a few other moms and sure enough Mason was old enough to play tee ball. I contacted the coach, sent him some money and we were in.

Mason had missed a couple practices but he caught on quickly. It was quite amusing to watch the brave, volunteer coach attempt to heard the cats. At one point he turned to the parents and sighed, "How do we keep them on their feet in the outfield?" Perhaps that should have been our sign that they were not yet old enough to play.

Due to the rainy weather, a fever and our crazy June schedule Mason was only able to play in 2 out of the 6 games. I felt like that was plenty.

Mason did manage to learn a few skills of the game and had a great time playing with his friends. I am certain we will have many more years of baseball in our future.

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