Tuesday, March 12, 2019

If We Had No Winter

This winter has been long and cold. The temps in February were brutal with not even one higher than average day. The bitterness rolled right into March and the week of Spring Break was a rough one. Up until last week I felt I did a fairly decent job of staying positive, popping my vitamin D and soaking in all the fun winter-like traditions. However, last week brought me to my knees. In my defense, several things attributed to my demise.

1. I caught a cold which was simply annoying.
2. Both boys were not sleeping well causing me to be up in the night and early morning hours.
3. School dismissed at 2 PM both Monday and Tuesday for parent teacher conferences.
4. I had a PEO meeting Monday night that lasted much too long.
5. I traveled to Hastings for lunch with my girlfriend on Tuesday and to York on Wednesday for our tax appointment.
6. School dismissed at 11:30 AM on Thursday for Boys State Basketball.
7. No Daycare Thursday or Friday.
8. Work was of course busier than I had anticipated.

It was the perfect storm. March rolled in and over me like a lion.

At one point on Thursday, I was balancing the phone on my shoulder, attempting to speak intelligently to my boss while throwing cereal out on the floor in attempt to keep the boys quiet. Absolutely bananas I tell you!

On a positive note, the children did entertain each other some of the time. Mason got creative and built an airplane for Tucker.

Jentry eventually talked Mason into playing school. They can be sweet for a hot minute and then back to whining, screaming, hitting, crying, "It's not fair!" 

I am always grateful for the extra time with my kids. I am very aware how lucky I am to be able to experience motherhood with THREE healthy, extraordinary kids. I also know that I am at my best when there is structure and everyone goes away so I can work during the day.


"If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome."

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