Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mom - 1 : Toddler - 0

During dinner last night Jentry was being a little too silly and thought that it was funny to spit at me.  I told her that it was not nice to spit and warned her that if she spit again she would have to sit in timeout.  Of course, she smiled her devilish smile and spit one more time.  She had to test whether or not mom would actually follow through, right? 

I sat her in the timeout chair and told her that she could get up when she was ready to tell me that she was sorry for spitting and that she would not do it again.  As I turned to walk away, she immediately started crying and stood up from the chair.  I did as supper nanny suggests and continued to silently place her back on the chair, but she screamed and followed me out of the room every time.  After several attempts and more screaming than crying, I decided that the tactic was simply not working with this "special" toddler.  Next, I warned Jentry that if she did not stay on the chair I would spank her.  She looked a little more fearful now, but needless to say the spanking didn't even phase her.  Finally, I pulled out the big guns and warned her that if she could not stay in the timeout chair then I would lock her in her room until she was ready to apologize.  This sent her into a full blow meltdown!

She cried and screamed for five minutes and then I went to check on her.  She had crawled underneath her bed and was throwing her self around.  I told her that when she was ready to act like a big girl she could come out and apologize.  This time I left the door open and walked away.  I kept myself busy in the kitchen while she continued to cry for forty more minutes.  Then there was absolute silence from her room.  I went to see what she was into this time and this is what I found.........

She had exhausted herself so much during her tantrum that she fell asleep, under her bed, on the hardwood floor.  It was definitely a battle of the wills, but in the end mom won!

Disclaimer: Jenry might possibly have inherited this stubborn ability from her mother, but nothing has been scientifically proven at this point.

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