Monday, June 24, 2019

Hunter Cove

We always enjoy our time with the Nelson family but when we get to camp together, true adventures ensue.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Muddy Puddles

One advantage to this raining season has been all the muddle puddles in which to play.

boy, n.
1. noise with dirt on it

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Pioneer Camp

Jentry was here this week to attend Laura Ingalls Wilder camp at the Stuhr Museum. She and her classmate Kaci had a great time exploring pioneer life through the eyes of Almanzo and Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Their teacher, Auntie Dee, helped them prepare horehound candy, corn cob jelly, biscuits, smoked oysters, oyster crackers, turnips, party cakes, chicken salad sandwiches, cookies, lemonade and a few sewing projects. What an awesome experience for them!

Onnie helped by driving them to Grand Island one of the days and on the other four days I got to drive and spend some "me" time shopping. I'd say that's a win for everyone!

Friday, June 14, 2019

A Ball of a Time

Last weekend we ventured west for some time with family and friends and to help "Round Up A Cure".

The 2019 Cattlemen's Ball took place in Wauneta, NE. Mom and dad were planning to attend and invited Nathan and I to join them.

Nathan has been wanting to show me around Imperial and Enders Reservoir since I met him. As a child, Nathan and his parents would spend every 4th of July at Enders Lake with their friends, the Pribbeno family. We toured the town, had lunch at The Broadway Steakhouse and cracked a cold one at the cabin.


Next we entered the gates of the Ball. Lots of interesting things to do and see. It was hot, dusty, stormy and fun. We enjoyed great food, entertainment by Clay Walker and met some fabulous people. Best of all we helped raise funds for cancer research!


We even got to crash my parent's camper for the night! When I showed Mason this picture he said, "So you do sleep!"

Meanwhile back in Harlan County, the boys were entertained and well cared for by the Hamilton family.

A weekend of many miles and many memories made.