Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Nimble November

Oh sweet November, how you swept by me again. You are quick yet graceful and so very lively. You are a month full of activities, family and preparation but on this very last day I insist you slow down for just a quiet minute. I am going to bow my head and thank the One above from whom all blessings flow.

I am thankful for these two wonderful children that have been gifted unto my care.

This handsome boy that melts my heart with every smooch, hug and "I don't can't."

"Can I watch 'My Goils' please..just 20 minutes OK?"

"Mom you have the green tractor and yogger wagon and I get the green combine."

"I two. I Mason Kenzie."

"Mom, I watch Lighting Queen and Mator on the TV. OK?"

And this beautiful and determined young lady who has the most precious heart:

"Mom, I can't decide if I want to be a hair stylist or own a bakery."

"For Christmas I want crutches, a mannequin, makeup, a robot, and legos."

"I am going to ask Santa for all the hard stuff because he can get anything."

"If I were to get a tattoo I would get a key because God has the key to me. BUT... I am never going to get a tattoo."

"Nathan, can I drive something, pleeeeeease?"

And then there is this man. So patient, loving, protecting.

My forever and always.

These are the things I am thankful for...

And pie. I am thankful for pie too!

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