Monday, May 9, 2016

Mommy Kisses

Mother's Day weekend started great. Nice weather, cute kiddos, supper on the patio, fudge pops for dessert.  Life was good.

And then....

We decided to go for a late evening walk. The sun had gone down and we took in the last minutes of daylight in our quiet little neighborhood. I pushed Mason in the stroller while Jentry rode her bike. As we headed home, Jentry, riding much faster than I can walk, made it home first. As Mason and I came up the ally, I noticed Jentry's scooter in the middle of the road. My first thought was to scold her for leaving in the road and then it hit me that something must be wrong. As we got closer to the garage, I could hear Jentry crying and Nathan telling Jentry to look at him and breathe. My first look at her bloody face sent shivers down me. Mason immediately responded, "Uh oh, Sissy. Sissy owie!" 

Nathan carried her in the house and I attempted to wash her up. She had scrapes on her knees, wrists, knuckles, forehead, nose, mouth and check. The scrapes were filled with dirt, grass and gravel. I knew we needed to get the scrapes cleaned really good right away, however I just didn't have it in me. Jentry continued to cry and was very scared. I lied to her and told her I had to go downstairs to get some more things. Frankly, I was getting super hot and dizzy and need to sit down for a minute. I scrubbed as much as we could both stand it, gave her some Tylenol, smeared her with Neosporin and sent her to bed. 

The next morning I made her soak in the tub and tried to clean the wounds some more. Mason wanted to have an owie too, so Jentry gave him a band-aid as well. Oh and for whatever reason he was refusing to wear pants, and I was like, "Whatever... its Saturday kid, you do what you want."

Planting season is in full swing, so Nathan had to work all day. We decided to take lunch to everyone at the farm. The kids loved to play at Papa and Onnie's. We also got to help treat some beans.

Jentry seemed to being doing fine and acted as normal as she ever is, but by late afternoon she start to drag a bit. By Saturday night, she didn't look to hot.

I put her to bed but couldn't sleep. I was worried about her. I prayed that she would heal quickly without any scaring but began to second guess my decision to not take her to the doctor. Around 1:00 a.m. I heard her music come on and went to check on her. She was such a trooper. She said she was fine she just wasn't sleepy. She said it felt like her check was sliding off her face. Oh my sweet baby. I just laid next to her and we both shared a moment quietly looking at each other until we both fell asleep. 

Sunday morning, we decided to stay home from church. Jentry didn't want to go anywhere, Nathan had to go back to work and I wasn't up for wrangling Mason by myself.  We sat on the front porch in our pajamas until lunch. It was fabulous! Nathan had made reservations at the Legion and after a yummy lunch, I took Jentry to Urgent Care in Hastings.

After a long wait, the doctor recommended warm water, mild soap and Vaseline daily. Praise the Lord it was nothing more. By the time we got home, I was ready to put my Mother's Day gift from my mother-in-law to use. I wonder how she new I would need it that day?

Nathan was able to come home in time for supper and my dad was even able to join us on his way through town. I so wish that I could have protected my baby girl from getting hurt, but I truly enjoyed the extra time snuggling with her this weekend. After all, life will continue to bring hurts to my children but I am so grateful that I was chosen to be the mom to kiss away their owies.

Definitely felt the love this Mother's Day.

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