Wednesday, May 20, 2015

No More Babies

Today is Jentry's last day of 1st grade and the end of another season of life.

As I filed away the pictures in her 1st grade scrapbook, I had to stop and take in how much my babies had grown in such a short time. This picture was taken on the Jentry's first day of 1st grade. Now THOSE were my babies and totally made me realize that I don't have a baby anymore.  

Mason has started walking in the last week, which just confirms my realization that my babies are not technically babies. Of course this is all bitter sweet. It has been so fun to watch him become braver every day and venture farther and farther on his own. Mason steps, Jentry squeals with excitement and we all clap. It truly is the little moments of life.

This Spring has brought some beautiful days with stunning blue skys and delicious green landscapes. It has also brought some blessed rain. We have spent a great deal of time outside lately and are lovin' every minute of it! 

With all of the beautiful weather, I was inspired to spruce up our outdoor living space. For Mother's Day, my loving husband built me a trellis that is better than anything you could ever buy. I also got to pick out some new porch furniture. It is exactly what I wanted and I am loving our new living room! The views are amazing.





The only babies around here these days are the Finch eggs in my fern plant. 

But just to remind me that a mother will always have her babies...and to keep things real....

Monday, May 4, 2015

Phoenix Foray

Girls trip!!!!! Actually, a ladies weekend getaway would more appropriately describe my most recent visit to Arizona.  This winter my mother-in-law and I decided to take a birthday excursion to the Phoenix area to visit her sister Becky and my cousin Dani. When we began making arrangements, my mother said, "Well that sounds like fun", so she came along too.  The original talk was to go sometime in the Spring when it would still be chilly in NE and not melting hot in AZ.  Due to Jan's work schedule, the last weekend in April worked the best and so we booked our flight. John and Nathan were none too thrilled with our date selection being in the heart of planting season, however a little rain and assistance from Aunt Deb made everything work out just fine. If you want another version of the story , just ask John or Nathan. I'm sure it would be entertaining to compare the differences.

My dad wondered, "Why would JJ want to travel with a couple old ladies?" The thought never crossed my mind.  I was very much looking forward to spending time with my moms. Yet, I have to admit there was a brief moment at the airport when Jan was insistent on getting through security immediately, while I waited for my mother who arrived as a hot mess exclaiming, "My car is still out front. There was no where to park!" Thank goodness we were only at the Grand Island airport. Can you imagine what these two would have been like at LAX? All jokes aside, they were wonderful travel mates and we had an absolutely delightful vacation.

Surprisingly, Becky and Dani live only a few minutes apart from each other on the west side of Phoenix. Jan stayed at her sister's and mom and I got the pleasure of staying at Kevin and Dani's new home. This was so handy. We chilled at night and met up during the day. The weather was perfect.  Eighty degrees and sunny. The plants were in bloom and we even brought a little thunderstorm with us to the desert. When asked what we did I replied, "Talked, shopped, ate and drank." What else is there really?

The Rusty Spur - Old Scottsdale

Kevin and Dani's beautiful new home. They were amazing hostesses. Mom and I felt right at home, minus the cacti and rocks of course.

Kevin showing mom his Hydro-Generator machine in his awesome shop, which is conveniently located in their back yard.

Becky's back-yard oasis. These AZ outdoor spaces have me totally inspired.

These two sisters are too much fun!

It was a delicious weekend of uninterrupted adult conversation, cocktails and eating out. Amen to no meal planning! With that said, I did miss my babies but in this day and age you are never more than and iPhone away. I received these adorable pics of my kiddos from their Grandpa Mack, Great Aunt Deb and Super Dad, while I was away. Obviously they were in great hands.

Now, off to plan next year's escape.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Written In The Stars

Five years ago, I met a guy for a drink at the Grapevine in Lincoln, Nebraska. We discovered that I had the same name AND the same birthday as his mother. Surprisingly, he didn't run to the "restroom" and sneak out the back door. At the end of the night, fate sealed the deal with a bar tab of exactly $28...which just happens to be my birth date.

Looking back we both agree that we were young and naive, but wouldn't have changed a thing.

P.S.  - Nathan says the truly crazy thing is that fact that I saved this receipt.
P.P.S. - That fact that I could find the receipt is the miracle!