Friday, November 21, 2014

Dear Santa

"Mom can you please be sure this gets in the mail today?"

So of course I opened it!

Translation: I want doctor things and snow outfits and Isabelle some cloths please.

I just love this age.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


We now officially have two McBose girls in our family!  Nathan and I may have been the first to create the McBose partnership but little did we know we would not be the last. After eleven years of dating, my cousin Dani Bose finally tied the knot with her best friend Kevin McMurray, in beautiful Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Nathan and I had a wonderful time with my family and thoroughly enjoyed an adult vacation. John and Jan were kind enough to take care of Jentry and Mason while we were away.

View from our room.

Hola beautiful water views.

We were lucky enough to have found these handsome twins on our first day there.

A walk on the beach.

Mama with her girls.

Gussied up and ready for the big event.

Ceremony on the jetty

I do!

Cheers to the new McBoses

It was a gorgeous wedding and smashin' party.

That's it.

Love loved the architecture in the lobby.

The foliage was unreal.

Perfectly manicured.

Beautiful balconies.

Yummy bananas.

Well hello green buddy. I almost missed ya there.

Water aerobics with Christian.

The friendly iguana loved to be petted.

Adios Mexico! Until next time mi amigo.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Those Baby Blues

As any mother would, I think my baby boy is the cutest baby boy that has ever lived, but...


Completely melts my heart.

Cheeks so soft and sweet.

And even adorable from behind.

What a precious gift from above.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Very Wintry Halloween

Shockingly, Jentry wanted to be Elsa for Halloween. I assured her that she would be the only little Elsa in all the world on Halloween night. Ha! Grandma Jan purchased her the most amazing Elsa dress complete with Elsa wig. Of course, Jentry had to try it on right away. She was in heaven. Or, should I say Norway?

Watch out! She may turn you to ice.

The weekend before Halloween, Elsa got to attend the Stamford bonfire and costume contest with Anna and Olaf.  What a trio! 

Mason wasn't quite big enough to keep up with the "big" cousins, but thoroughly enjoyed playing with his very own pumpkin.

Jentry's teacher, Miss Dirks, asked me to bring a snack for the 1st Grade Halloween party. I had a great time making these fun little treats. Nathan now refers to me as Penny Pinterest.

The night before Halloween we took the time to carve some pumpkins. Jentry began by drawing a face herself, but then changed her mind and selected a very neat, very detailed stencil. Which meant, Nathan ended up carving Jentry's pumpkin for her. She loved her Dracula so much that she insisted on going out in the cold to give it one last kiss goodnight. She is just a little weird. 

Do you wanna carve a pumpkin?

Halloween morning, Jentry requested an orange, ghost pancake with chocolate chips. I did my best, however I'm really thankful ghost pancakes are only requested once a year.

The Sutton Mustangs had a football game in Sutton on Halloween night, so they held a "Trunk or Treat" in the parking lot before the game. I decided to go with a Christmas theme to match my adorable little snowman. It was a hit and more importantly I had a ton of fun. 

Merry Christmas...wait, no...Happy Thanksgiving...wait, no...this year is going too fast all on its very own.