Sunday, April 26, 2020

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Needs Batteries

Tucker (age 2.25) found this piece of paper from Mason's school work. He pushed the red circles, handed it to me and said, "needs batteries".

Sometimes I wonder what learning will look like for my grand or even great-grand children.

I can only hope to see the day.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Resurrection Inside

We did everything we could to make Easter 2020 feel as normal as Easters past but Covid 19 and the weather certainly put us to the test.

The wind howled, the temps dropped, the snow and ice come down but it was nothing but resurrection inside our cozy home and hearts.

Papa and Onnie joined us for dinner and the boys enjoyed a basement egg hunt.


And just to keep things real and remind us all of our need for a savior...

"Resurrection is another word for change, but particularly positive change - which we tend to only see in the long run. In the short run, it often just looks like death." 

This Easter I am certainly reminded that we must look beyond the short term to see the positive change God is providing.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Social Distancing Shenanigans

We are wrapping up week 3 of social distancing here in Sutton. Here are a few things that have kept us entertained thus far.

Fool's Day pranks

Online art lessons



Cup stacking challenges

Palm Sunday crafts

Fancy dinner with a Thanksgiving menu of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, corn and peach crisp. Jentry set a beautiful table and insisted we all dress up for a change.


"Farming" in the backyard 

Jentry's Nail Salon

Vavooming everywhere


Tea Parties 

Card games

Creative snacks

Counting money

And when time allows, a bit of office work.