Father-daughter four wheeler ride
Jentry got to go along with Erica to work one day at the feed lot and was assigned the lucky job of cleaning water tanks.
Erica took this fabulous picture at grandma Patte's cabin on the Platte River where they celebrated her 6th birthday.
She got to spend a few days at Janma's house building fairy houses, tending to her garden and swimming in her private pool.
There were also several days at Grandma Bose's house. I do not even want to know what goes on with those two when I'm not around.
There were so many dress-up days that I lost count. She has such an imagination!
To celebrate the end of summer, Grandma Bose came to spend a day in Aurora. We checked out the very cool Edgerton Explorit Center, the new aquatic facility, shopping on the square and lunch at Pizza Hut of course.
On Wednesday evenings, she got to spend time with Nathan and Mason while mom went to Bible study. Nathan sent me this picture with the caption, "The Blonde Bean!"
The day before school we had a very special tea party just Jentry and Mommy.
And we took all of her school supplies up to her very own desk.
August 19th arrived and my Big Bad 1st Grader was rarin' and ready to go! She walked herself all the way to the bus stop. I only cried a little. Thank goodness for my other baby or I might have cried all morning.
Oh Jentry, you are so very special to me and have such a beautiful soul. I am so thankful for this wonderful season of memories with you.