Saturday, August 10, 2013

She Makes Me Laugh

Since her surprising, early entrance into this world, Jentry has been the light of my life and brings laughter to my soul.  The following are just a few examples of the many marvelous moments that have made me smile.

While picking up Jentry at daycare one of the other children said, "Look, Dozer (the dog) is trying to get the (sidewalk) chalk!"  I said, "See you kids tomorrow and don't let Dozer eat the chalk." Jentry quickly replied, "We can't mom.  We don't speak dog."

Jentry was upset that I had forgotten to leave her hat and gloves when I dropped her off at daycare.  I apologized but reminded her that she can also be responsible for her own things.  "Sometimes I just don't think of things.  If you want your hat and gloves, you could help by reminding me."  To which Jentry became very angry and replied, "I can't remember everything, mom, besides you have more thoughts than me."

While I was dusting behind the TV, I accidentally knocked over a tall bunch of decorative grass.  It went crashing off the bench onto the floor.  Nathan's asked Jentry, "What is your mother doing?"  And Jentry quickly replied, "I don't know but I still love her."

"Do I look like Santa, mom?"  Christmas in July?  

The puppet show that was entirely her vision.  She is so much more creative than her mother!

Just out for an evening stroll in her finest attire.  Oh my!

The ensemble she selected for Katie's cowgirl birthday party.

Jentry's invention of a hair dryer for her Barbie.  Why yes, the air vent, why didn't I think of that?

After trying to explain to Jentry how a clock works and that the second hand goes around every minute she responds, "If I were a clock I would be disappointed...BORING!"

While visiting my parents, Jentry asked Papa if he would take her to see his bull. Of course, my niece and nephew didn't want to miss out so Papa agreed to take all three kids.  Grandma asked if he needed any help and Jentry quickly interrupted, "Well, it just depends on how bully the bull is!"

I had just picked up Jentry from her first weekend at her dad's with her new baby brother.  I thought she would have lots of stories and would be excited to tell me all about it.  After my third or fourth question she asked me while holding my iPhone, "Do you have any more questions before I start my game?"   Really?

Jentry and I were watching Despicable Me and we got to the scene in the movie where Mr. Gru is trying to save the girls from Vector and the Minions catch them from falling out of the aircraft.  Jentry looks at me and very seriously says, "It's a good thing he (Gru) has those Indians to help save them."  To which I reply with a chuckle, "Do you mean Minions?"  

After praising Jentry for looking both ways before crossing the street with her scooter she replies, "Well yeah, I don't want to really ruin my life!"

Oh Jentry, how much we love you and are so thankful for all the joy you have brought to our lives!  How boring our lives would be without your creative commentary.

1 comment:

  1. Over Father's Day weekend we brought the RZR to Grandpa Stenger's house. Someone decided to take it for a drive. Jentry said, "I love that sound." I said, "What sound?" She said, "The sound of the rocks under the tires." She is just so creative and adorable! Love her to pieces!
